Class BroadcastAPI

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Public Methods
static bool taskStatus(taskname, instanceId, status)
static bool send(request, params, instanceId)

#include <BroadcastAPI.h >


This class is used by other apps to send messages to the broadcast channel.

Use this interface instead of sending messages directly to ensure message keywords are spelled correctly, all parameters are specified, and error checked.

The receiving app defined this interface to ensure it receives the messages correctly.

Public Methods

static bool taskStatus(taskname, instanceId, status)

const string& taskname

the name of the task with changed status

unsigned long instanceId

0 for the base task, 1+ for child instances

const string& status

started, stopped

Send broadcast message to note that a MAE task has changed status

Return value: true if sent

static bool send(request, params, instanceId)

const string& request

the request keyword

const XMLData& params

the data (parameter payload)

Default value: XMLData("")

int instanceId

the task instance (default: 0)

Default value: 0

Send an API message to channel broadcast.