Class IoAPI

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Public Methods
static bool open(name, mode, cbtag, cbdata)
static bool putchar(ioId, c, ioChannel)
static bool write(ioId, text, ioChannel)
static bool write(ioId, data, ioChannel)
static bool seek(ioId, offset, ioChannel)
static bool lock(ioId, exclusive, wait, ioChannel)
static bool unlock(ioId, exclusive, wait, ioChannel)
static bool close(ioId, ioChannel)
static bool fsverify(node, ioChannel)
static bool fsreview(dirResourceId, ioChannel)
static bool fsconfirm(node, size)
static bool fsupdate(node, change, size)
static XMLData ls(maepath)
static int stat(maepathandfilename, statbuf)
static bool send(request, params, channel)

#include <IoAPI.h >


This class is used by other apps to send messages to the io channel.

Use this interface instead of sending messages directly to ensure message keywords are spelled correctly, all parameters are specified, and error checked.

The receiving app defined this interface to ensure it receives the messages correctly.

Public Methods

static bool open(name, mode, cbtag, cbdata)

const string& name

the name of the registered I/O resource

const string& mode

like open(1), modes allowed are: r, rw, w, r+, w+, a; b is ignored - it is assumed

const string& cbtag

base callback keyword to handle various messages sent to app using the resource. Use the IoPort class to manage. Variously, "open", "eof", "tell" will be added to this cbtag.

const XMLData& cbdata

callback data sent to the app with every message sent to app using the resoruce

Open the named resource in the mode specified.  A named resource maps to a URL (see tioreg, which iogw uses to locate and open the resource.  iogw then sends data and status messages back for the resource.

Return value: true if sent

static bool putchar(ioId, c, ioChannel)

int ioId

the instance of the I/O resource

int c

the character to output

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Send a character (identified as c) to the device.

Return value: true if sent to iogw

static bool write(ioId, text, ioChannel)

int ioId

the instance of the I/O resource

const string& text

the text string to output

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Send some text (identified as text) to the device.  text is simply a series of characters. No implied newline.

Return value: true if sent to iogw

static bool write(ioId, data, ioChannel)

int ioId

the instance of the I/O resource

const RawData& data

the block of data to output

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Send a block of data to the device.

Return value: true if sent to iogw

static bool seek(ioId, offset, ioChannel)

int ioId

the instance of the I/O resource

long offset

the file position to seek

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Move to a specific file position in the resource.

This does not apply to streaming data sources.

Return value: true if sent to iogw

static bool lock(ioId, exclusive, wait, ioChannel)

int ioId

bool exclusive

Flag: true if nothing else allowed to read or write to this resource, false if other apps can read this resource

Default value: true

bool wait

Flag: true if app should wait until the lock has been released - this will block the app

Default value: true

const string& ioChannel

Default value: "io"

Attempt to lock access to this resource/file.

If an exclusive lock has already been obtained, then it can be switched to shared.

Return value: true if the lock was acquired, false if it was not acquired

static bool unlock(ioId, exclusive, wait, ioChannel)

int ioId

bool exclusive

Flag: true if nothing else allowed to read or write to this resource, false if other apps can read this resource

Default value: true

bool wait

Flag: true if app should wait until the lock has been released - this will block the app

Default value: true

const string& ioChannel

Default value: "io"

Attempt to lock access to this resource/file.

If an exclusive lock has already been obtained, then it can be switched to shared.

Return value: true if the lock was acquired, false if it was not acquired

static bool close(ioId, ioChannel)

int ioId

the instance of the I/O resource

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Tell iogw that the app no longer needs access to this resource.

Return value: true if sent

static bool fsverify(node, ioChannel)

const FSNode& node

the file/dir node to check for existance

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Internal iogw only; not for app use.

Reach out to iogw on a spoke to verify a file still exists.

The spoke is expected to reply with fsconfirm() or fsupdate().

Return value: true if sent

static bool fsreview(dirResourceId, ioChannel)

DbRecNum dirResourceId

the IORegistry record id for the directory/file path

const string& ioChannel

name of channel to reach the spoke

Default value: "io"

Internal iogw only; not for app use.

Reach out to iogw on a spoke to verify directory contents of the resource id provided.

Reply with fsupdate() for each directory entry.

Return value: true if sent

static bool fsconfirm(node, size)

const FSNode& node

the file/dir node to check for existance

long size

for regular files, the file size

Internal iogw only; not for app use.

A spoke is informing the hub iogw about a file that still exists.

Return value: true if sent

static bool fsupdate(node, change, size)

const FSNode& node

the file/dir node to check for existance

const string& change

one of: deleted, newdir, newfile

long size

for regular files, the file size

Default value: -1

Internal iogw only; not for app use.

A spoke is informing the hub iogw about a file that still exists.

Return value: true if sent

static XMLData ls(maepath)

const string& maepath

the MAE directory path

Given a MAE directory path, return a list of all files under it.

A filename with a trailing / is a directory.

Return value: Resulting data from the call.  Use RemoteService::getError(result) to get any error; if no error, then call worked.

static int stat(maepathandfilename, statbuf)

const string& maepathandfilename

the MAE full filename or directory to check

MaeStat& statbuf

(output) a structure to contain the various details about the pathname

Given a MAE directory path, return details about it.

A filename must begin with /.  If there's no leading /, then maepathandfilename is taken as an IORegistry name.

Return value: errno for the operation: 0 upon success ENOENT if file does not exist

static bool send(request, params, channel)

const string& request

the request keyword

const XMLData& params

the data (parameter payload)

Default value: XMLData("")

const string& channel

override where message is sent (default: io)

Default value: "io"

Send an API message to channel io.