Class MAETask

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Public Properties
Public Methods
bool init()
void log(msg)
void suspendable(ok)
inline bool isSuspended() const
int fd() const
inline bool isCommHub() const
void ok(msg)
void degraded(msg)
void failed(msg)
inline void setQuit(cbfn)
inline void setSuspend(cbfn)
inline void setResume(cbfn)
inline void setDebug(cbfn)
void fork()
void process(forever, justone)
void done(msg)
void pidUpdate(forcePid)
TaskCommand getCommand(wait)
void setName(newname)
void setInstance(newInstance)
inline const string& getName() const
inline unsigned long getInstance() const
inline bool isInstance() const
inline string taskBaseName() const
inline static string taskBaseName(taskName)
void setAppId(appid)
inline const string& getAppId()
void setType(newtype)
void setManaged(isManaged)
void setDaemon(isDaemon)
void setClusterName(name)
const string& getSpokeName() const
bool isRootNode() const
string getSystemParameter(parameterName, taskname)
bool setSystemParameter(parameterName, parameterValue, taskname)
string getTaskControlArgs()
bool controlConnect(startIfNoAnswer, hostname)
bool controlStart(name, msg)
string controlStartInstance(name, instanceId)
bool controlStop(name, msg)
bool controlSuspend(name, msg)
bool controlResume(name, msg)
bool controlStatus(name, status)
bool controlInstances(name, status)
string controlStatusName(status)
int controlStatusPid(status)
string controlStatusCluster(status)
string controlStatusState(status)
string controlStatusMsg(status)
bool controlDebug(name, msg, level)
bool controlTap(name, msg)
bool controlNewTask(name, msg)
bool controlDeleteTask(name, msg)
bool controlQuit()
bool commhubStat(status)
bool commhubSpokes(node, status)
bool sayHello(daemon, quitIfNoAnswer)
inline bool setupAt(triggerTime, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)
inline bool doAfter(delay, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)
inline bool setupPeriodic(seconds, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)
inline bool signalRaised()
inline int serviceTimer()
inline HashArray getTimerState() const
bool cancel(triggerLabel)
void toggleTap(_unused)
void quit()
void suspend()
void resume()
static string getConfDir()
static string getLogDir()
Private Properties
Private Methods
string setStatus(msg, state, extra)
bool controlCommand(cmd, response)
bool openControl(commhubHost)

#include <MAETask.h >


MAETask is the class used to communicate with CommHub. It sends status and MAE platform commands (such as messages, RPC calls, database queries, global parameter queries). And it handles the responses and commands from CommHub.

Public Properties

SuperSocket sock

to be used by friend classes, not app

Public Methods


The constructor for MAETask so a MAE app can communicate and provide status with MAE.

bool init()

Call this when the task immediately starts.

This moves the task into "Initializing" state.

You must set programName or call setName().

void log(msg)

string msg

the text of the log message (limited to 1000 characters long)

Log any messages through this method; they are communicated to commhub, which logs them.

void suspendable(ok)

bool ok

True if suspendable, False if not; default is True

Default value: true

Call this if your daemon is suspendable.

If it is not, it will never receive the TaskSuspend command.

inline bool isSuspended() const

Ask if we're currently suspended.

Return value: True if current setting is that the task/app can be suspended

int fd() const

This is a file descriptor for select() so the task

can monitor for control communication from CommHub.

Return value: a file system file descriptor

inline bool isCommHub() const

Return true when CommHub is using this class (commhub/MAETask.h returns true)

Return value: False for all tasks/apps except commhub.

void ok(msg)

const string& msg

An informative message about the app's readiness.

Call this when the task has finished initializing or to simply

report updated positive run status. Sends state 'ready' to CommHub.

void degraded(msg)

const string& msg

An informative message about the app's degraded state.

Call this when the task realizes it is performing suboptimally.

Sends 'degraded' status to CommHub.

void failed(msg)

const string& msg

An informative message about the app's failed state.

Call this when the task has failed and cannot continue.

Sends 'failed' status to CommHub.

inline void setQuit(cbfn)

MAETaskCB cbfn

static method or function to call, e.g. void exitNow(int n)

Setup callback when CommHub sends Quit.

Default action: call exit(0).

inline void setSuspend(cbfn)

MAETaskCB cbfn

static method or function to call, e.g. void suspendNow(int n)

Setup callback when CommHub sends Suspend.

Default is to ignore

inline void setResume(cbfn)

MAETaskCB cbfn

static method or function to call, e.g. void resumeNow(int n)

Setup callback when CommHub sends Resume.

Default is to ignore

inline void setDebug(cbfn)

MAETaskCB cbfn

static method or function to call, e.g. void toggleDebug(int n)

Setup callback when commhub sends Debug.

Default action: toggle debug_on

void fork()

Detach from parent process.  This is unnecessary for single run tasks, but required for daemons.

void process(forever, justone)

bool forever

true to continuously loop (default); false to process any outstanding requests

Default value: true

bool justone

true to only process one event; false to process all (default)

Default value: false

Handle events in a loop from CommHub (forever) until Quit sent.

void done(msg)

const string& msg

An informative message about the app's degraded state.

Call this when the task has completed successfully

void pidUpdate(forcePid)

int forcePid

process id to report to CommHub

Default value: 0

Call this after fork()ing to notify CommHub of our new pid.

TaskCommand getCommand(wait)

bool wait

true to wait for a command; false to only get a command already sent (default)

Default value: false

Call this routine when a control command was detected on the socket

void setName(newname)

const string& newname

set the task's name

If you want to change the name of this task, use this method.

Set the name before calling init() so CommHub knows who is contacting it (and sets up database/messaging permisisons.)

void setInstance(newInstance)

unsigned long newInstance

the instance for this task

Default value: 0

Set the instance id for this task. The first task with this name must register with 0; it is the base task.

Set the instance before calling init() so CommHub knows who is contacting it (and sets up database/messaging permisisons.)

inline const string& getName() const

Query the name of this task.

Return value: the name of the task/app

inline unsigned long getInstance() const

Query the instance of this task

Return value: the instance of the task/app; note that 0 is for the base app

inline bool isInstance() const

Query if the current task is an instance (versus the base task)

Return value: true if the current task is an instance, false if base task

inline string taskBaseName() const

Query the task's name without its instance id.

Return value: the base task name

inline static string taskBaseName(taskName)

const string& taskName

the task name to find the base name

Extract a task's name without its instance id.

Return value: the base task name

void setAppId(appid)

const string& appid

the id / message channel.

Set the app id / messenge channel. Set this before calling init().

inline const string& getAppId()

Query the app id / message channel in use.

Return value: the id / message channel

void setType(newtype)

string newtype

Future use.  To change the application type of this task, use this method.

For now, the application type is the application name.

void setManaged(isManaged)

bool isManaged

true if managed, false if not

Configure if this task is managed by CommHub. (Default: no)

A managed task sends status to CommHub and responds to CommHub commands.

void setDaemon(isDaemon)

bool isDaemon

true if daemon, false if not

Configure if this task is a daemon. (Default: no)

A daemon talks to the CommHub and uses MAE services like messages, database, and RPC.

void setClusterName(name)

const string& name

the name of the cluster or spoke where a task is running

Deprecated. Configure if this task is part of a CommHub cluster or spoke, out and away from the root CommHub. (Default: no)

A cluster member is a thread inside a JVM; a spoke is a server separate from the root CommHub server.

Tasks/Apps can run on multiple hosts, but they require a local spoke CommHub for communication.  A spoke

name is typically it's server's name, but that is not required. The cluster name is given by CommHub; it

is not for the app to decide.

const string& getSpokeName() const

Return the name of the CommHub cluster this app is connected to.

This is known after connecting to CommHub.

Return value: the name of the cluster. e.g. root or spoke name

bool isRootNode() const

Check if the current application is attached to the root CommHub.

Return value: true if app connected to root CommHub; false if sonnected to a spoke

string getSystemParameter(parameterName, taskname)

const string& parameterName

the name of the parameter

string taskname

the task that owns the parameter (default: this task)

Default value: ""

Query a CommHub system value for this task (not from data store).

In general, you should need to use this to query changeable defaults.

A daemon should not access the file system, but query from CommHub.

See commhub.ini file.

Return value: the value of the parameter (null string if no parameter found)

bool setSystemParameter(parameterName, parameterValue, taskname)

const string& parameterName

the name of the parameter

const string& parameterValue

the new value for the parameter

string taskname

the task that owns the parameter (default: this task)

Default value: ""

Set a CommHub system value for this task (not in data store).

In general, you should need to use this to save global program settings that control behavior.

Return value: true if setting sent to CommHub

string getTaskControlArgs()

Get control CommHub command parameters. Most CommHub commands are just keywords, but if any arguments

follow the keyword, query them using this,

Return value: the parameters of the CommHub command

bool controlConnect(startIfNoAnswer, hostname)

bool startIfNoAnswer

if true, launch CommHub if CommHub not listening

Default value: false

const string& hostname

the remote server name running CommHub - connect there

Default value: ""

Connect to CommHub (and start it if we can't connect)

Return value: true upon successfully connected to CommHub

bool controlStart(name, msg)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub to start the named task/daemon.

This command will block until the instance has started (in Ready state) or failed.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

string controlStartInstance(name, instanceId)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

unsigned long instanceId

the non-0 instance to start

Tell CommHub to start the named task/daemon as an instance.

This command will block until the instance has started (in Ready state) or failed.

The parent of the instance must be in the Ready state (not initializing) before an instance may be started. If attempted, the error "Invalid task" will be returned.

Return value: the status of the CommHub started command

bool controlStop(name, msg)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub to stop the named daemon.

This command will block until the success or failure of stopping the named daemon is known.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlSuspend(name, msg)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub to suspend the named daemon.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlResume(name, msg)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub to resume the named daemon.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlStatus(name, status)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& status

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Get the named daemon's status.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlInstances(name, status)

const string& name

the CommHub name for the task/daemon

string& status

(output) the status of the CommHub started command if false returned; a comma separated list of instance ids if true returned

Query all the active instance ids of the named task/daemon.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

string controlStatusName(status)

string status

the msg string returned from the various control*() methods

Given a status string from CommHub, get the current task/daemon status label, e.g. init, ready, degraded, etc.

Return value: the task status from the status line, e.g. NotRunning, Initializing, OK, Completed, Failed

int controlStatusPid(status)

string status

the msg string returned from the various control*() methods

Given a status string from CommHub, get the current task/daemon process id.

Return value: the task status from the status line

string controlStatusCluster(status)

string status

the msg string returned from the various control*() methods

Given a status string from CommHub, get the current task/daemon cluster name / spoke name.

Return value: the task process id

string controlStatusState(status)

string status

the msg string returned from the various control*() methods

Given a status string from CommHub, get the current task/daemon state.

Return value: the task state from the status line

string controlStatusMsg(status)

string status

the msg string returned from the various control*() methods

Given a status string from CommHub, get the message portion.

Return value: the message

bool controlDebug(name, msg, level)

const string& name

the task name

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

int level

the debug level; -1 means toggle, 0 means off, 1 means shallow, 2 is deeper, etc.

Default value: -1

Tell CommHub to toggle debug mode the named daemon

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlTap(name, msg)

const string& name

the task name

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub to tap messages to/from the named daemon with timestamps.

This can be handy for debugging or unit testing.

The app will write all those messages to log/ <name >.tap

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlNewTask(name, msg)

const string& name

the task name

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub a new task exists. Called by tadd after updating mgmttaskdb.csv with the new task.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlDeleteTask(name, msg)

const string& name

the task name

string& msg

(output) the status of the CommHub started command

Tell CommHub an old task is deleted. Called by tdel after removing the task from mgmttaskdb.csv.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool controlQuit()

CommHub's big STOP button.  It forces CommHub to quit immediately. Use with caution!

Return value: true if command sent.

bool commhubStat(status)

string& status

(output) the status of the CommHub connections

Ask CommHub for the status of all commhub connections; used by tstat command.

Output text formatted for human eyes.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool commhubSpokes(node, status)

const string& node

the CommHub node name (spoke name or cluster name) to ask

string& status

(output) the status of the CommHub spokes

Ask CommHub for the status of all known commhub spokes.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

bool sayHello(daemon, quitIfNoAnswer)

bool daemon

true if current task is a daemon

bool quitIfNoAnswer

if true, exit with a message about unable to connect to CommHub

Default value: true

Engage commhub to make sure it's there and running.

Return value: true if command sent and CommHub responded with a positive message

inline bool setupAt(triggerTime, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)

time_t triggerTime

the future time when the timer goes off

Timer::TimerCB cbfn

the method to call when the timer goes off

void* data

callback data to provide to the timer

const string& triggerLabel

the unique name of the timer (useful for tracking timers)

Setup a one-time timer event for a specific time point in the future.

Return value: true if timer successfully setup

inline bool doAfter(delay, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)

int delay

the number of seconds in the future the timer should go off

Timer::TimerCB cbfn

the method to call when the timer goes off

void* data

callback data to provide to the timer

const string& triggerLabel

the unique name of the timer (useful for tracking timers)

Setup a one-time timer event after a delay of specified seconds.

Return value: true if timer successfully setup

inline bool setupPeriodic(seconds, cbfn, data, triggerLabel)

int seconds

the number of seconds between repeating timer triggers

Timer::TimerCB cbfn

the method to call when the timer goes off

void* data

callback data to provide to the timer

const string& triggerLabel

the unique name of the timer (useful for tracking timers)

Setup a time to trigger every so many seconds.

Return value: true if timer successfully setup

inline bool signalRaised()

Query if a timer has been triggered.

Return value: true if a timer has been triggered and not serviced yet

inline int serviceTimer()

Service all outstanding timers

Return value: the number of timers serviced

inline HashArray getTimerState() const

Get the list of future times in a HashArray.

The key is the triggerLabel, the value is the number of seconds to go before it triggers.

Return value: a HashArray with each trigger's time till it goes off

bool cancel(triggerLabel)

const string& triggerLabel

the name of the setup timer to cancel

Cancel a timer that was setup.

Return value: true if trigger cancelled, false if no such trigger setup

void toggleTap(_unused)

int _unused


Default value: 0

Toggle the socket tap that records all text going in/out.

void quit()

Quit the task/daemon. Shuts the task/daemon down by calling the quit callback.

void suspend()

Suspend the daemon. Suspends the task/daemon by calling the suspend callback.

void resume()

Resume the daemon. Resumes the task/daemon by calling the resume callback.

static string getConfDir()

Get the directory with Configuration files

Return value: conf directory, e.g. /usr/mae/conf

static string getLogDir()

Get the directory with log files

Return value: log directory, e.g. /usr/mae/log

Private Properties

string tasktype

Is this daemon or task

string taskname

Label by which this task is known

string cluster

The name of the cluster/spoke we're in

string appid

Our application id

unsigned long instance

Root instance is 0, others are 1+

int commhubfd

Connection back to CommHub

bool managed

Flag: does CommHub manage us? (Are we integrated?) Default: false

bool daemon

Flag: process is not oneshot; it stays running. Default: false

int procid

Our OS process id

string cmdArgs

args to control command from the OS

bool saidHello

Flag: Have we connected with CommHub yet?

bool suspended

Flag: Are we in suspend mode, which means the application is paused

MAETaskCB quitCB


MAETaskCB debugCB




MAETaskCB suspendCB

MAETaskCB resumeCB

Private Methods

string setStatus(msg, state, extra)

const string& msg

const string& state

const string& extra

Default value: ""

Send the status of this task to commhub

bool controlCommand(cmd, response)

string cmd

string& response

Send a control command to commhub

bool openControl(commhubHost)

const string& commhubHost

Default value: ""

Open the control channel with commhub

Return value: true upon success, false upon failure