Class Property

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Public Methods
static string getValue(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)
static long getValueInt(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)
static bool getValueBool(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)
static HashArray getValues(appname, section)
inline static string getGlobalValue(appname, variable, defaultValue)
inline static long getGlobalValueInt(appname, variable, defaultValue)
inline static bool getGlobalValueBool(appname, variable, defaultValue)
inline static HashArray getGlobalValues(appname)
static bool setValue(appname, section, variable, value)
static bool setValue(section, variable, value)
static bool setValue(section, variable, value)
static bool setValueBool(section, variable, value)
Private Properties
Private Methods
static bool initdb()
See Also

#include <Property.h >


Interface to DB table for application-specific properties.  All properties are defined by each application and used by that application.

Variables are grouped into sections; if a varaible is not in a section, it is considered a global variable.

Public Methods

static string getValue(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

const string& defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: ""

Given an application, a section, and a variable, return the value (or default value) as string.

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

static long getValueInt(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

long defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: 0

Given an application, a section, and a variable, return the value (or default value) as long int.

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

static bool getValueBool(appname, section, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

bool defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: false

Given an application, a section, and a variable, return the value (or default value) as bool.

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

static HashArray getValues(appname, section)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

Given a section and app name, return the list of variables and values.

Return value: the key/value pairs of the variables and values in a HashArray

inline static string getGlobalValue(appname, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& variable

the name of the variable

const string& defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: ""

Given an application and a variable, return the value (or default value) as string from that app's global section (not a named section).

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

inline static long getGlobalValueInt(appname, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& variable

the name of the variable

long defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: 0

Given an application and a variable, return the value (or default value) as long int from that app's global section (not a named section).

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

inline static bool getGlobalValueBool(appname, variable, defaultValue)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& variable

the name of the variable

bool defaultValue

if blank, the default value for the variable

Default value: false

Given an application and a variable, return the value (or default value) as bool from that app's global section (not a named section).

Return value: the value requested or if blank, the defaultValue

inline static HashArray getGlobalValues(appname)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable

Given an app name, return the list of gobal variables and values.

static bool setValue(appname, section, variable, value)

const string& appname

the application-specific variable, e.g. task.getName()

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

const string& value

the value to set

Set a string value for an application variable in a section.

Return value: true if value to to variable successfully

static bool setValue(section, variable, value)

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

const string& value

the value to set

Set a string value for an application variable in a section.

The current application's name is the appname for the lookup, , e.g. task.getName().

Return value: true if value to to variable successfully

static bool setValue(section, variable, value)

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

long value

the value to set

Set a long int value for an application variable in a section.

The current application's name is the appname for the lookup, , e.g. task.getName().

Return value: true if value to to variable successfully

static bool setValueBool(section, variable, value)

const string& section

the section (application defined) for the variable

const string& variable

the name of the variable

bool value

the value to set

Set a bool value for an application variable in a section.

The current application's name is the appname for the lookup, , e.g. task.getName().

Return value: true if value to to variable successfully

Private Properties

DbRecNum id

Table record number/id

string appName

Application's name

string section

Section/Block with variables

string variable

Variable name with a value

string value

Value of variable

static Datastore db

Our connection to DB table data

Private Methods

static bool initdb()

Make sure we're connected to our table in the Datastore

Return value: true upon success, false upon failure

See Also

Property database table