Hello App: HelloApp.py
# HelloApp.py - class declaration for Hello app
# Copyright (c) 2024 HanoverSoft
# Written by Anthony V. Edwards
# 820 Churchill Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
# ave@hanoversoft.net
# We handle new session initialization, menu callbacks, and user input responses here.
import os
import sys
mae_python_path= '/usr/mae/python'
if 'MAE_PYTHON' in os.environ:
mae_python_path= os.environ['MAE_PYTHON']
from UserDevice import UserDevice
from HashArray import HashArray
from XMLData import XMLData
from User import User # using the User class to access to MAE User database table
This class holds user session state for Hello app.
Note that our super class is UserDevice(), so we can call its methods via self.
def init(self, id= 0):
Constructor for an instance of a user interacting with us.
We are a simple program, so there's not much to initialize.
@param id - user id
super().init() # initialize our super class, UserDevice
self.id= id # our record id - user id - used by the Cache class to manage multiple HelloApp instances
self.params= XMLData() # the initial arguments provided to us to control this program's behavior (not used)
def valid(self) -> bool:
Determine if the current instance is valid.
If setDevice() has been called with a valid UserDevice, then HelloApp is valid.
@return true if this instance is valid, false otherwise
return self.getUserId() > 0
# GET methods
def getId(self) -> int:
Get this HelloApp instance's id
@return current instance (user id)
return self.id
def getDevice(self):
Get the UserDevice instance to talk to the user.
(UserDevice is our super class.)
return super()
# SET mehtods
def setDevice(self, newdevice):
Record the UserDevice used to communicate with the user so we can use it again later (and not have to pass it as a parameter everywhere).
@param newdevice - the value of UserDevice to communicate with this user
@return the current HelloApp instance for further use
return self
def clear(self):
Clear this instance of HelloApp
def userstart(self, param):
The first time the user connects to our app, this is called.
@param param - inbound variables from UserDevice.run() (if any)
# save the starting params for the instance, once launched
self.params= param
# Create a tab/window and display our prompt there
def drawPromptWindow(self, defaultName: str= ):
Create a 'Prompt' window and display our question in it.
The layout of the question comes from /usr/mae/html/record/helloPrompt.html.
@see UserDevice
# Create a tab/window and display our prompt there
promptwin= self.setWindow('Prompt') # super class UserDevice::setWindow()
values= HashArray()
promptwin.record('helloPrompt', values)
# Fill in the text box with a name
if defaultName:
promptwin.settext(defaultName, 'helloPrompt_name')
def inputName(self, name: str):
The user has typed something into the name box and we can now process it.
@param name - the user text
# UserDevice::
# UserDevice::
self.writeln('Hello, '+name+'!');
def menu_Display_FromDB(self):
Menu Display->From DB selected. So, query the user's name from the DB, then say hello.
@see User
userId= self.getUserId() # e.g. UserDevice::getUserId()
if userId == 0:
# this should never happen! A user must be authorized before they can get through.
self.attention('Who are you?') # e.g. UserDevice::attention()
# Get the user record from the data store
user= User(userId)
# Display the greeting to the user by name
def menu_Display_Clear(self):
The user selected the Display->Clear menu options.
So, clear the display of anything output so far.
# Clear the windows
self.unsetWindow('Prompt') # e.g. UserDevice::unsetWindow()
# Redraw the prompt window
def menu_Display_Help(self):
The user selected the Display->Help menu options.
So, display some help (in a new tab).
helpwin= self.setWindow('Help') # e.g. UserDevice::setWindow()
helpwin.writeln('This is a simple MAE app that asks for a name.')
helpwin.writeln('Upon submitting the name, the program greets you with a Hello.')
helpwin.writeln('(Click on the Prompt tab to return to that prompt.)')
def menu_Display_Quit(self):
The user selected the Display->Quit menu options.
So, quit.
# If we have any user state to save, save it out
# Exit out back to the starting app for this user
self.quit(); # e.g. UserDevice::quit()
def save(self) -> bool:
Save out our user session data. For now, do nothing.
@return true if data save out, false if not
return False
def toHashArray(self):
Convert our session data to a HashArray (key/value pairs). For now, do nothing.
@return key/value pairs of our session data
return HashArray()
def cache(id: int):
Pull our session data from an external cache, such as directly from the data store. For now, do nothing.
@param id - id of the record to retrieve (user id)
@return a ready instance of HelloApp based upon the last saved state
return HelloApp()