Hello App: helloPrompt.ui
<!-- Hello app prompt content -->
Hello! Please let me know your name so I can greet you properly.
<table width="100%">
<td width="20%">Your name:</td>
<!-- Note special genformcode tag inside square brackets follows this form:
The genmae tool calls genformcode to process this file and extract out
the callback command (name) and the function to call,
e.g. HelloApp::inputName().
Meanwhile, genformcode is used to convert the following into HTML: it
creates a *text* type input response box; when the user changes its
contents, the Hello app will be called with the command *name*, which
in turn will call HelloApp::inputName() with the text that the user
entered. -->
<td width="80%">[text:name->name->HelloApp::inputName(const string & name)]</td>
<td colspan="2" id="helloPrompt_greeting"></td>