Hello App: hellopy.mreg

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 * hellopy.mreg - MAE message registration for "hello" channel (Python version)


 * Copyright (c) 2024 HanoverSoft

 * Written by Anthony V. Edwards

 * 820 Churchill Drive, Chapel Hill, NC  27517

 * ave@hanoversoft.net


 * A MAE app is expected to handle messages/events from multiple users or multiple instances.

 * This file directs MAE as to how you want those messages/events handled.

 * Each message/event has an id that is used to pull up the appropriate instance of HelloApp.

 * An instance of HelloApp is handy for maintaining session data.

 * If you don't want to maintain session data, explicitly set appclass to nothing.


 * This file contains directives for the genmae tool to generate msgHello.cpp, which contains code to

 * 1) initial setup by integrating with MAE daemons (e.g. usergw and guibroker for the UI)

 * 2) respond to messages/events from MAE, such as user menu selection

 * 3) handle API calls (the simple Hello app does not define any API calls) from other MAE apps - asynchronous events

 * 4) handle RPC calls (the simple Hello app does not define any API calls) from other MAE apps - synchronous events

 * 5) respond to user input controls such as pull-down selection, text responses, etc.

 * 6) process other files (such as .cpp or .ui files) that may contain more directives (in comments)

 * Comments in this file are included in generated file output, so commenting well here means commenting well elsewhere.


 * To generate msgHello.py, use

 *     genmae hellopy.mreg -msgpy msgHello.py

 * To generate Python method dummy code for callbacks from this file, which is

 * useful for creating/modifying HelloApp.py, use

 *     genmae hellopy.mreg -cbpy

 * If we define #api/#msg blocks for an API for other MAE apps to use, we

 * generate the Python source code using

 *     genmae hellopy.mreg -apipy

 * To generate wiki documentation on message handling performed here, we use

 *     genmae hellopy.mreg -wiki

 * which is used in our Hello app documentation stored in /usr/mae/html/doc/hellopy.wiki

 * To convert a .ui file into fully proper .html (removing genmae clues), use

 *     genformcode genformcode html helloPrompt.ui ../../html/record/helloPrompt.html

# Our app's primary class file, so we have ready access to our context

# (Use #apiinclude for API files.)

from HelloApp import HelloApp

import HelloCache

# We communicate within MAE using our own unique channel name 'hello'


# Internally, we use the HelloApp class to manage session instances


# We maintain a cache of multiple sessions in the HelloCache vector


# This is the code to locate our instance of HelloApp in the cache

# Or exit out if there's an error.


    # Track user-specific state (if needed)

    user_id= device.getUserId()

    pos= HelloCache.findPos(user_id)

    if pos < 0 and user_id > 0:

        # a new connection - add to cache

        newUser= HelloApp(user_id)

        # remember our path to the user


        # add this user to our in-memory cache

        pos= HelloCache.add(user_id, newUser)

    if pos < 0:

        # We don't have a match for this device

        msg= "Unknown device (Uid=" + str(user_id) + ",Conn="+str(device.getConnectionId())+",App="+device.getAppMode()+",tag="+device.getRegion()+") for " + request

        MAETask.log (msg)



    # any connection-specific data

    instance= HelloCache.getitem(pos)

# Here's a code block for any code that should be executed before the message is processed


# Here's a code block for any code that should be executed after the message is processed


/** Initiate a new user session.

 * @param param - inbound variables from UserDevice::run() (if any)


#userstart userstart(param)

######## Declare the app menus

# We tell guibroker what our menus are. Before the user reaches us, guibroker

# renders hello.html and populates the page with these menu options.

# As the user clicks on a menu option, we receive the message (#msg) associated

# with that menu option. When we receive that message, MAE calls the method we

# are here associating with the menu.  It's menu registration & callback.

# Here's the menu option Display->From DB, which queries the DB to determine the user's name, then says hello

#menu "Display" "From DB"

#msg "fromdb" menu_Display_FromDB()

# Here's the menu option Display->Clear, which sends us the message clrdisp, which in turn calls menu_Display_Clear()

#menu "Display" "Clear"

#msg "clrdisp" menu_Display_Clear()

# Here's the menu option Display->Help, which sends us the message help, which in turn calls menu_Display_Help()

#menu "Display" "Help"

#msg "help" menu_Display_Help()

# Here's how the user quits: menu option Display->Quit

#menu "Display" "Quit"

#msg "quit" menu_Display_Quit()

# Read and process these .ui files to extract out more directives.

# Note that you won't see directives in the .ui file; the genformcode program

# is needed generate them for genmae (which happens implicitly).

# Although only a .ui file is specified here, you can also specify a .cpp file

# which is handy when your .cpp code is generating buttons or text input areas

# and you want to configure callbacks right there (in the comments).

#process "helloPrompt.ui"