Hello App: mgmtHello.cpp

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string getHelloCacheSize()
bool setHelloCacheSize(const HashArray & param)
void MgmtClient::supervisorGUI(UserDevice & device, const HashArray & param)
void MgmtClient::operatorGUI(UserDevice & device, const HashArray & param)
void MgmtClient::handleInputResponse(UserDevice & device, const string & cbtag, const XMLData & cbdata, string response)
void MgmtClient::init(const string & channel)



 * mgmtHello.cpp - handle a management request sent by supervisor for the hello channel


 * Copyright (c) 2024 HanoverSoft

 * Written by Anthony V. Edwards

 * 820 Churchill Drive, Chapel Hill, NC  27517

 * ave@hanoversoft.net


 * While the Hello app is running, the Supervisor app can query its state,

 * collect metrics, and possibly adjust some parameters.  This is done here

 * through the MgmtClient class interface, which is part of MAE.


#include <MAE.h>

#include "hello.h"

// Variables from cache.cpp

extern string CacheList;   // the list of parameter categories

extern int HelloCache_max; // the maximum size of the session cache

/** Get dynamic values

 * @return number of active HelloApp records in cache


string getHelloCacheSize()


    int size= HelloCache.activeRecords();

    return (string) "" + size;


/** Set new values

 * @param param - key/value pairs of variables to set; however, only "value" is supported


bool setHelloCacheSize(const HashArray & param)


    int newSize= param.getInt("value");

    // compress the array - get rid of gaps


    // Resize as instructed


    return true;


/** When an admin user has a privileged UI interface, this method will handle the UI event.

 * Note:  When UI controls require a callback, make sure cbdata["sysadmin"]="T" so the

 * MgmtClient::handleInputResponse() is called instead of the app's.

 * @param device - the connection back to the user's device

 * @param param - key/value pairs to handle a UI response


void MgmtClient::supervisorGUI(UserDevice & device, const HashArray & param)



/** When an operator user has a privileged UI interface, this method will handle the UI event.

 * Note:  When UI controls require a callback, make sure cbdata["sysadmin"]="T" so our

 * MgmtClient::handleInputResponse() is called instead of the app's.

 * @param device - the connection back to the user's device

 * @param param - key/value pairs to handle a UI response


void MgmtClient::operatorGUI(UserDevice & device, const HashArray & param)



/** Handle user interactions for the admin or operator user.

 * @param device - the connection back to the user's device

 * @param cbtag - callback tag / action to take

 * @param cbdata - callback data associated with action

 * @param response - user selection or text input


void MgmtClient::handleInputResponse(UserDevice & device, const string & cbtag, const XMLData & cbdata, string response)


    // Note: we don't have an admin or operator special interface, so just

    // route it back to the app's input response handler.

    MAE::handleInputResponse(MAE::getAppId(), device, cbtag, cbdata, response);


/** Initialize our management parameters that can be get & set by supervisor.

 * @param channel - the channel name to initialize (relevant if the app supports muiltiple channels)


void MgmtClient::init(const string & channel)


    // GET parameters - Values that can be queried

    addGetParameter ("", "appname", MAE::getName());    // our name

    addGetParameter ("cache", "list", CacheList);       // list of categories to query; for each item in list, there's *_max, *_size

    addGetParameter ("cache", "User_size", &getHelloCacheSize); // the number of active sessions

    addGetParameter ("cache", "User_max", &HelloCache_max);     // the maximum number of active sessions allowed


    // SET parameters - Values that can be changed

    addSetParameter ("cache", "User_max", &setHelloCacheSize);  // change the maximum number of active sessions allowed
