
Index Home Arana > Arana Architecture > Arana Utilities > fe2view


FE2View converts finite element 3-D data into a 2-D image, providing a snapshot view of the 3-D data from a specified point of view.

Command Line Options

-pov x,y,z

-pov dir

Specify the position of the eye where the 3-D data will be viewed.  Alternatively, let fe2view locate a vantage point by specifying where the eye is with respect to the 3-D data:  N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.

-angle theta,phi

Specify where the eye is looking from its (-pov) position.  Theta is the degrees/radians from the x-axis toward the z-axis (horizontal plane).  Phi is the degrees/radians from the x-axis toward the y-axis (vertical plane).  Either degrees or radians may be specified.  Any number higher than 5 is interpreted as degrees; any number lower than 5 is interpreted as radians.  The angle may be negative.

-radius r

The radius specifies how far the eye can see.  If specified, output is limited to only the objects within distance r of the eye (-pov) position.

-view theta,phi

Specify the field of view.  On the horizontal plane, the output will range from -theta/2 to theta/2.  On the vertical plane, the output will range from -phi/2 to phi/2.  Default: theta is 2/3*PI (120 degrees) and phi is PI/3 (60 degrees).

-width xmax

Specify how wide the output should be (in pixels).  The height of the output is determine by maintaining the aspect ratio as determined by -view.

-o filename

Specify where the output should be written.  Default: standard output.


Generate wireframe image of finite elements

Input File Format

Each line of input is expected to be a quadrilateral finite element, using this format:

x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 x3,y3,z3 x4,y4,z4 color