This command is used to document include (.h) files by converting them into .wiki files. And creating an index file.
The command syntax is:
h2wiki [option(s)]
Where an option is
Option |
Description |
-I dir |
Specify a directory, dir, of related include files. Any classes defined in those include files are referenceable/linkable. May be specified multiple times. |
-d dir |
Specify the output directory where all the wiki file(s) will be created in the form Class_classname.wiki |
-index |
Create the master index file, called Class_Index.wiki. It lists all classes that it discovered in the -I directory and any additional .h files. |
-p parent |
Specify the parent page for created wiki pages. By default it is Class Index. If the -index option is present, the parent is the index parent; any individual class files will default to Class Index as parent. |
hfile |
Include file to scan for classes and structs. All include files on command ilne will be scanned and .wiki files created for their classes and structs. |
Here are some examples:
h2wiki -I /usr/mae/include -index -d /usr/mae/html/doc
to create an index of all MAE include files. Or
h2wiki /usr/mae/include/*.h -d /usr/mae/html/doc
to create a wiki file for each class defined in the MAE include files.