
Index Home MAE > MAE Architecture > MAE Utilities > h2wiki


This command is used to document include (.h) files by converting them into .wiki files. And creating an index file.

The command syntax is:

h2wiki [option(s)]

Where an option is



-I dir

Specify a directory, dir, of related include files. Any classes defined in those include files are referenceable/linkable.

May be specified multiple times.

-d dir

Specify the output directory where all the wiki file(s) will be created in the form Class_classname.wiki


Create the master index file, called Class_Index.wiki. It lists all classes that it discovered in the -I directory and any additional .h files.

-p parent

Specify the parent page for created wiki pages. By default it is Class Index. If the -index option is present, the parent is the index parent; any individual class files will default to Class Index as parent.


Include file to scan for classes and structs. All include files on command ilne will be scanned and .wiki files created for their classes and structs.

Here are some examples:

h2wiki -I /usr/mae/include -index -d /usr/mae/html/doc

to create an index of all MAE include files.  Or

h2wiki /usr/mae/include/*.h -d /usr/mae/html/doc

to create a wiki file for each class defined in the MAE include files.

See Also
