
Index Home MAE > MAE Architecture > MAE Utilities > MAE Control Utilities > tctrl


This command sends a daemon/task status to commhub, used by semi-integrated programs that transmit to commhub, but do not listen to commhub.

The command syntax is one of these forms:

  1. tctrl -init app-type jobname pid
  2. tctrl -ready jobname message state
  3. tctrl -log jobname message
  4. tctrl -done jobname message state
  5. tctrl -command parameters


app-type is the type of application,

jobname is the daemon or task name (with instance),

pid is the OS process id for the daemon/task,

message is a human readable comment on the status update,

state is the task status (OK or degraded for -ready; OK or Failed for -done),

command is an allowed commhub command - add, del, start, stop, restart, status, spokes, stat, pget, pset, debug, tap

parameters are the appropriate parameters for the respective command.

Using the Command-Line Options

tctrl is used by semi-integrated tasks, often running in a command shell.

Upon starting, the task should use the -init command line option to let commhub know the task has successfully started and is now initializing.

Once initialized and moving on to its main processing, the task should use the -ready command line option.

As the task runs, it may want to log messages of status or progress; this is done with the -log command line option.

When the task is finished, it must call -done with either a status of OK or Failed to report its success.

All messages and state changes are logged by commhub.