
Index Home MAE > MAE Architecture > MAE Utilities > MAE Control Utilities > tmesg


This command sends a message through the message broker along a message channel to a D&D program.  Normally, messages are generated by one daemon and sent to another.  This utility is very handy for debugging a daemon by specifically messaging it.

The command syntax is:

tmesg channel request [key1=param1 [key2=param2 ...]]

Where channel is the name of the listener (e.g. display, cmd, etc.); request is the keyword(s) request of the message; which are followed by key-value pairs (as many as needed).

Here are some examples:

tmesg input cmd cmd=dice.d20 idType=PC id=34

to roll a 20 sided die and have the result sent to PC 34's console.

tmesg display attention idType=PC id=34 text="Hello!"

to send the message "Hello!" to PC 34's console's attention bar.

tmesg display text idType=PC id=34 tag=pcstats_Race text="Elf"

to update PC 34's race field under the Stats tab (which is inside the pcstats record) to Elf.