This command makes an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) through RpcBroker along a message channel to another MAE App. The app performs the requested operation with the provided parameters and replies perhaps with multiple values or an error message. This utility is very handy for externally triggering internal operations or integrating non-MAE programs with MAE.
The command syntax is:
trpc request [key1=param1 [key2=param2 ...]] [var1 [var2 ...]]
Where request is the keyword(s) request of the message (which must have already been registered with rpcbroker); which are followed by input key-value pairs (as many as needed) and output variables.
Here are some examples:
trpc setting.fetch table=PC id=1
to fetch the cached record for the PC with id of 1 and output all fields (in XML).
trpc setting.fetch table=PC id=1 Name Race
to fetch the PC with id 1 and output his Name and Race.