
Index Home MAE > MAE Architecture > MAE Utilities > MAE Control Utilities > tuser


This command manipulates the MAE User database by adding, changing or deleting users.

The command syntax is:

tuser add [option(s)]

tuser change|enable|disable|delete userid [option(s)]

tuser find email

tuser list





Add a new user to the User table. Note that the provided e-mail must be unique amongst all known users. The new user id is output.

change userid

Change the attributes of the specified user id, e.g. email, password, etc.

disable userid

Disable the specified user id so that user cannot log in to the MAE platform.

enable userid

Enable the specified user id so that user can log in to the MAE platform. This is the default for added users.

delete userid

Remove the specified user id from the database.  Needless to say, this user cannot login anymore.

find email

Find the user id for a user with the provided e-mail address. No output means no user found; otherwise, the user id is output.


Provide a list of all User table ids and e-mails.



-n name

Specify the new name for the user record in question.

-p name

Specify the password for the user record in question. The password is encrypted before it is stored into the User record.

-e name

Specify the e-mail for the user record in question.

-admin id

Specify the admin id for the user record in question. A non-zero admin id allows the user to alter settings in the application environment, such as running the supervisor app.

-tenant id

-world id

Specify the tenant (or world) id for the user record in question. This is application-specific.

See Also

tdbcmd, tdatadump, dbbroker