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Press Release

Infinitor 1.0 Released
February 20, 1998
Today, Tavve Software Co. has released the programmer's editor, Infinitor 1.0. This is the editor that is as good as you are. Programmers can create programs inside of Infinitor using the powerful built-in language TPL (Text Processing Language) and binding those programs to keystrokes to enhance the editor to meet even the most demanding programmer's needs. The editor itself supports up to 10 files simultaneously in 10 windows. Editor keystrokes can be customized to programmer preference; for example, vi, wordstar, and emacs emulation choices are available out of the box.

Compatibility: Infinitor runs on PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 2.0 or later with a minimum of 384K of RAM and one floppy drive.

Tavve Software Co. developed the Infinitor product; Agranat Systems will market and sell the product.

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