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Press Release

BXC-51 Libarary Toolkit v1.0 Released
February 19, 1992
Today, Tavve released BXC-51 Library Toolkit v1.0. This product complements your BXC-51 product, versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. BXC-51 LT allows you to generate a stand-alone library (source code or hex file) and then strip the library from your BXC-51 program. BXC-51 LT allows you to reduce downloading/programming time, see the BXC-51 library source code, create a stand-alone library, and includes thorough documentation of BXC-51 library!

Compatibility: BXC-51 Library Toolkit runs on PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 2.0 or later with a minimum of 384K of RAM and one floppy drive.

Tavve Software Co. developed this application and is also marketing and selling this product.

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »