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Press Release |
BXC-51 Simulator v1.0 Released
April 10, 1995 Today, Tavve Softwaer Co. announces BXC-51 Simulator. This product takes a BXC-51 compiled program and simulates it on your PC. Using assembly source listings, debugging is a snap, whether you want to debug in 8051 assembly or BASIC. For I/O applications, the BXC-51 Simulator can communicate with your system board (via M/DP integration) to produce actual I/O operations. Compatibility: BXC-51 Simulator runs on PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 2.0 or later with a minimum of 384K of RAM and one floppy drive. Tavve Software Co. developed this application and is also marketing and selling this product.
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« HanoverSoft 820 Churchill Dr. Chapel Hill
NC 27517 USA info@hanoversoft.net »