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Press Release

Tavve Software Co. Incorporates as Network Management Company
January 1, 1998
Due to recent market momentum with network management products, Tavve Software Co.'s network management division has split away from the remaining divisions and incorporated as its own Delaware C corporation. The remaining divisions have reorganized as HanoverSoft. Congratulations to the management team: Nick Francis has been named CEO, Anthony Edwards is the CTO, Gary Schlachter is VP of Engineering, and Tim Clark is the VP of Sales. Henceforth, Tavve Software Co. shall retain the network management intellectual property, including eNMS/EventWatch, eNMS/PReView, eNMS/QuickView, nitsControl, nitsMenu, nitsList, and nitsFilter; meanwhile, HanoverSoft will retrain the remaining intellectual property, including BXC-51, BXC-51 Simulator, BXC-51 Library Toolkit, BXC-51 IDE, QComm, BEC-51, Limo, Super Pedigree, and Infinitor.

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »