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Press Release

MyMarkOnEarth.com Launched
February 16, 2009
Today, My Mark On Earth launched www.MyMarkOnEarth.com, a website to collect messages from people all around the world to be etched into Project Year 4000 granite stones. My Mark On Earth celebrates mankind's long history of marking messages into stone. Based on the observation that very little permanent marking of messages happens today, they provide this service: people leave their messages on community stones, which in time will be etched into permanent granite (so people 2000 years from now in year 4000 will be able to still read it.)

The website was created by HanoverSoft. It not only handles the creation and presentation of marked messages, it also allows site visitors to leave comments on nearly all of the site's content. The My Mark On Earth business is a product of HanoverSoft's Entrepreneurial Incubator.

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