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Monitoring Technology Unifying Vision
Context: You have completed the Monitoring Technology Assessment and you desire a complete monitoring plan that fully covers your enterprise.

Service Provided: Continuing work after the Assessment, you need a vision of how you can unify these monitoring technologies to align IT monitoring with your business needs. The vision will be assembled specific to your enterprise in a report and presentation to the CIO.

View the on-line brochure, then request an initial meeting.

Engagement plan:

  1. We will interview your designated technology liaison, project sponsor, and CIO to understand your enterprise priorities.
  2. We will create a written report and presentation with the vision.
  3. We will create a plan for the vision and resources needed to achieve it.
  4. We will present project report to the CIO with executive summary.

Pricing: Project rate

HanoverSoft's Professional Services Guarantee to our customers: if you are not completely satisfied within the first three days of the engagement, we will refund your money and terminate your commitment (travel expenses excepted). We deliver quality consulting services. We stand behind our people!

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »