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Network Management Systems Integration
Context: You need an experienced network management systems integrator to review or enhance your NOC (Network Operations Center).

Service Provided: Perform system integration services to setup and enable technology to effectively manage the network from the NOC. Systems integration includes moving data between management applications to provide effective management. Systems integration also includes ensuring manageability of all intended components.

Engagement plan:

  1. We will take direction from your designated technology liaison and project sponsor to identify changes needed.
  2. We will document the changes needed and provide a written estimate on expected resources and time needed to achieve the change.
  3. With approval from the technology liaison or project sponsor, appropriate SME consultant(s) will make the changes.
  4. The changes will be reviewed with the designated technology liaison for completeness and approval.

Pricing: Hourly rates (different SMEs may have different rates)

HanoverSoft's Professional Services Guarantee to our customers: if you are not completely satisfied within the first three days of the engagement, we will refund your money and terminate your commitment (travel expenses excepted). We deliver quality consulting services. We stand behind our people!

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »