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Organization IT Setup
Context: You need enterprise-level IT services setup and configured for your organization, such as e-mail, website, and desktops.

Service Provided: We can setup your e-mail along with licensing for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc in a M365 instance. We can standup a website for you and work with you to fill in appropriate content for your organization. We can determine the options desktop/laptop for your workers, acquire them, configure them, and deploy them to your workers; different options may be appropriate based upon worker category need. After your IT environment is setup, you will need to maintain it. We can provide documentation on typical IT tasks that need to be performed and train your on-site designated IT worker; feel free to request documentation on specific tasks needed by your organization. Alternatively, we are happy to help you to hire an on-site IT worker or have HanoverSoft provide remote IT services.

Engagement plan:

  1. We will interview the organization lead for an hour to determine the work needs of the organization.
  2. We will create a proposal of the work effort needed and the goals to be accomplished.
  3. Upon your approval of the proposal, we will proceed to setup IT for your organization with appropriate checkpoints.

Pricing: Hourly rate

HanoverSoft's Professional Services Guarantee to our customers: if you are not completely satisfied within the first three days of the engagement, we will refund your money and terminate your commitment (travel expenses excepted). We deliver quality consulting services. We stand behind our people!

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »