Class GuiXact
#include <GuiXact.h >
Table for tracking all outstanding user UI queries.
Includes information on what app to inform when response comes back.
DbRecNum id |
Default value: 0 |
DbRecNum user_id |
Default value: 0 |
const XMLData& data |
const GuiXact& p |
Determine if this is valid data or not
basic GET functions
UserDevice& userDevice |
DbRecNum PC_id |
DbRecNum User_id |
string Query |
string QueryType |
string Tag |
string Prefill |
string Response |
string ReplyTo |
string CBTag |
const XMLData& ReplyRef |
save if changed
bool forDB |
Default value: false |
convert structure data to HashArray
convert to XML
DbRecNum xid |
fetch this record as read-only from a remote cache (not Datastore)
DbRecNum PC_id |
DbRecNum User_id |
user queries for a PC
DbRecNum PC_id |
DbRecNum User_id |
DbRecNum id |
load a record
DbRecNum id |
Table record number/id |
UserDevice device |
Handle to user device where query sent |
DbRecNum PC_id |
PC id of which PC queried |
DbRecNum User_id |
User id of which PC queried |
string Query |
Text prompt user sees |
string QueryType |
* Type of query. Implemented by usergw. |
string Tag |
UI region where query is displayed |
string Prefill |
Default answer or option choices |
string Response |
User's last response to query |
long QueryTime |
Timestamp of query |
long ResponseTime |
Timestamp of user's response |
string ReplyTo |
App to notify |
string CBTag |
Request to provide to app as notification |
XMLData ReplyRef |
Callback data for app to notify |
static Datastore db |
make sure we're connected to our table
const string& fieldName |
const string& value |
save a db field value
const string& fieldName |
int value |