Class GuiXact

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Public Methods
GuiXact(id, user_id)
inline bool valid() const
void clear()
inline DbRecNum getId() const
inline UserDevice getDevice() const
inline DbRecNum getPCId() const
inline DbRecNum getUserId() const
inline string getQuery() const
inline string getQueryType() const
inline string getTag() const
inline string getPrefill() const
inline long getQueryTime() const
inline long getResponseTime() const
inline string getResponse() const
inline string getReplyTo() const
inline string getCBTag() const
inline const XMLData& getReplyRef() const
inline bool setDevice(userDevice)
inline bool setPCId(PC_id)
inline bool setUserId(User_id)
inline bool setQuery(Query)
inline bool setQueryType(QueryType)
inline bool setTag(Tag)
inline bool setPrefill(Prefill)
inline bool setResponse(Response)
inline bool setResponseTime()
inline bool setReplyTo(ReplyTo)
inline bool setCBTag(CBTag)
inline bool setReplyRef(ReplyRef)
bool save()
HashArray toHashArray(forDB) const
XMLData toXML() const
static inline GuiXact cache(xid)
static DbRecList getAllRecords(PC_id, User_id)
static DbRecList getPendingRecords(PC_id, User_id)
Protected Methods
bool load(id)
Private Properties
Private Methods
static bool initdb()
bool saveField(fieldName, value)
bool saveField(fieldName, value)
See Also

#include <GuiXact.h >


Table for tracking all outstanding user UI queries.

Includes information on what app to inform when response comes back.

Public Methods

GuiXact(id, user_id)

DbRecNum id

Default value: 0

DbRecNum user_id

Default value: 0



const XMLData& data


const GuiXact& p

inline bool valid() const

Determine if this is valid data or not

void clear()

inline DbRecNum getId() const

basic GET functions

inline UserDevice getDevice() const

inline DbRecNum getPCId() const

inline DbRecNum getUserId() const

inline string getQuery() const

inline string getQueryType() const

inline string getTag() const

inline string getPrefill() const

inline long getQueryTime() const

inline long getResponseTime() const

inline string getResponse() const

inline string getReplyTo() const

inline string getCBTag() const

inline const XMLData& getReplyRef() const

inline bool setDevice(userDevice)

UserDevice& userDevice

inline bool setPCId(PC_id)

DbRecNum PC_id

inline bool setUserId(User_id)

DbRecNum User_id

inline bool setQuery(Query)

string Query

inline bool setQueryType(QueryType)

string QueryType

inline bool setTag(Tag)

string Tag

inline bool setPrefill(Prefill)

string Prefill

inline bool setResponse(Response)

string Response

inline bool setResponseTime()

inline bool setReplyTo(ReplyTo)

string ReplyTo

inline bool setCBTag(CBTag)

string CBTag

inline bool setReplyRef(ReplyRef)

const XMLData& ReplyRef

bool save()

save if changed

HashArray toHashArray(forDB) const

bool forDB

Default value: false

convert structure data to HashArray

XMLData toXML() const

convert to XML

static inline GuiXact cache(xid)

DbRecNum xid

fetch this record as read-only from a remote cache (not Datastore)

static DbRecList getAllRecords(PC_id, User_id)

DbRecNum PC_id

DbRecNum User_id

user queries for a PC

static DbRecList getPendingRecords(PC_id, User_id)

DbRecNum PC_id

DbRecNum User_id

Protected Methods

bool load(id)

DbRecNum id

load a record

Private Properties

DbRecNum id

Table record number/id

UserDevice device

Handle to user device where query sent

DbRecNum PC_id

PC id of which PC queried

DbRecNum User_id

User id of which PC queried

string Query

Text prompt user sees

string QueryType

* Type of query. Implemented by usergw.

string Tag

UI region where query is displayed

string Prefill

Default answer or option choices

string Response

User's last response to query

long QueryTime

Timestamp of query

long ResponseTime

Timestamp of user's response

string ReplyTo

App to notify

string CBTag

Request to provide to app as notification

XMLData ReplyRef

Callback data for app to notify

static Datastore db

Private Methods

static bool initdb()

make sure we're connected to our table

bool saveField(fieldName, value)

const string& fieldName

const string& value

save a db field value

bool saveField(fieldName, value)

const string& fieldName

int value

See Also

GuiXact database table