Class IntList

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Public Methods
IntList intersecting(list2) const
IntList combine(list2) const
IntList nonintersecting(list2) const
IntList reverse() const

#include <IntList.h >

Super class: long


A class to manipulate a list of integers (longs).

You can treat the class a sequenced list or as a set.

Public Methods


Constructor. Create a empty list.

IntList intersecting(list2) const

const IntList& list2

another list of integers

Treating the list and provided list as sets, find where the two

overlap and return that set

Return value: the integers that appear in both sets

IntList combine(list2) const

const IntList& list2

another list of integers

Treating the list and provided list as sets, combine them;

return the union of both sets

Return value: all the integers in both sets

IntList nonintersecting(list2) const

const IntList& list2

another list of integers

Treating the list and provided list as sets, find where the two

do not overlap and return that set

Return value: the integers that do not overlap between the two both sets

IntList reverse() const

Reverse the order of the integers in the list

Return value: the reversed list