MAE App Install
Make sure commhub is not running (invoke tstop), then copy your commhub.ini to /usr/mae/conf/. Review the documentation for each MAE daemon you're using to determine what commhub.ini parameters to set.
Create mgmttaskdb.csv file for each daemon (see tadd) and copy to /usr/mae/
Create a table_tablename.sql for each DB table and copy to /usr/mae/
After the tables are setup, you may want to initialize them. Or modify them from the defaults. Feel free to create scripts that end with .setup and install them in /usr/mae/ After tsetupdb runs, it will run any .setup scripts it finds. Upon successful completion (no error), it will rename the script to a .done file.
Create your table field documentation in a file called propdoc.conf and copy it into /usr/mae/conf. Use this syntax:
tablename: Table description
tablename.fieldname: Field description
Multiple lines may be used to describe a table or field, but they must be preceded with their table name and/or field name as above.
After installing /usr/mae/conf/propdoc.conf, update the wiki documentation for MAE Database Architecture using
tstart dbbroker
makedbwiki -files /usr/mae > /usr/mae/html/doc/
cd /usr/mae/html/doc && make
Put your application-specific documentation in these files to integrate it into the MAE documentation.
Add your .wiki files to /usr/mae/html/doc/ and your image files into /usr/mae/html/images/.
You can convert all .wiki files into HTML files that can be served by usergw (as https://site/doc/filename) using
cd /usr/mae/html/doc
If you would like to create a site index or add a navbar to all the pages (both recommended), create a wiki2doc.ini configuration file and copy it to /usr/mae/html/doc during your install process.