This application allows a user to manage their experience in the Arana world. The user may create and manage PC's and worlds. This is the user's home base for navigating the Arana Website; the user enters various applications from here ([[setting]], mapedit, hexedit, storyedit, market, etc.).
UserManager reads these attributes that originate from the [commhub.ini] file:
Keyword |
Value |
domains |
Comma separated list of user domains allowed. Each user belongs to a domain (application ecosystem). User ids must be unique within a domain. Each domain has its own settings. |
domain.default |
The default user domain. For example: arana |
domain.apps |
A comma separated list of app names. The user will be presented with only these apps/tiles that they may run. For example: hexedit,mapedit,storyedit,marketplace,console |
domain.admin |
(not sure) |
domain.profile |
(not sure) |
arana.newpc.rulesets |
Allowed D&D rulesets understood by the various apps that mey be used to create a new PC. |
arana.newpc.ruleset.races |
A comma separated list of allowed races for creating a new PC. |
arana.newpc.ruleset.classes |
A comma separated list of allowed classes for creating a new PC. |
arana.newpc.ruleset.alignments |
A comma separated list of allowed alignments for creating a new PC. |
The UI for userman displays these menu headings and options to the user.
This choices under this menu are dynamically created, based upon the user's configured domain.
MsgTag |
Description |
userstart |
Hotspots |
newworld |
newrole |
first |
viewpossessions |
we're getting a callback from a possession tab (see Setting app) |
newpc.cancel |
| |
newset.cancel |
| |
newset.end |
newset.accept |
newset.reject |
newset.ignore |
newset.equip |
market.exit |
userman.newcpc |
userman.newgpc |
user response to button for Create PC User Responses |
userman.doneprofile |
userman.cancelprofile |
MsgTag |
Description |
pickcampaign |
pickrole |
pickgpc |
| |
userman.addr1 |
userman.addr2 |
| |
userman.state |
| |
| |
| |
userman.taxid |
userman.joininvite |
userman.campaignupdates |
userman.arananews |
userman.promotions |
userman.birthmonth |
userman.birthyear |
userman.handle |
userman.from |
userman.passwd |
userman.passwd2 |
userman.visible |
newset.setname |
newset.setmaxpcs |
newset.rollmethod |
newset.setrerolls |
newset.setmulticlass |
newset.setalignments |
newset.setrerollhp25 |
newset.setraceadj |
newset.setinvites |
newset.inviteintro |
newset.setyear |
newset.setreign |
newset.setprevreign |
newset.setprevdur |
newset.setreverse |
userman.resetpw2 |
needs work - make sure user is an operator or admin before calling this we don't want someone hyjacking a form to create new users |
userman.adduser |
needs work - make sure user is an operator or admin before calling this we don't want someone hyjacking a form to create new users |
newset.ruleset |
callback setup in drawRuleSetSelector() response to querySelection() |
newset.race |
callback setup in drawRaceSelector() response to querySelection() |
newpc.ruleset |
callback setup in drawRuleSetSelector() response to querySelection() |
newpc.campaign |
| |
newpc.title |
newpc.strength |
newpc.strength-percent |
newpc.intelligence |
newpc.wisdom |
newpc.dexterity |
newpc.constitution |
newpc.charisma |
newpc.class |
callback setup in drawClassSelector() response to querySelection() |
newpc.race |
newpc.alignment |
callback setup in drawAlignmentSelector() response to querySelection() |
newpc.deity |
newpc.hp |
newpc.level |
| |
newpc.Secondary_Skill1 |
newpc.Secondary_Skill2 |
newpc.birthday |
newpc.birthmonth |
newpc.age |
newpc.weapon |
callback setup in drawWeaponSelectors() response to querySelection() |
newpc.descr |
newpc.notes |
////////////////// feedback |
feedback.submit |
feedback.cancel |
////////////////// RPC calls |
Menu |
MsgTag |
Description |
My Account - > Profile |
userman.profile |
My Account - > Store | |
My Account - > Notifications |
userman.notifications |
My Account - > Security | |
My Account - > Logout |
userman.logout |
PC - > Edit |
userman.pcedit |
PC - > Character Sheet (Concise) |
userman.charsheet.brief |
PC - > Character Sheet (Full) |
userman.charsheet.full |
PC - > Delete |
userman.pcdelete |
Feedback - > Report Bug |
userman.bug |
Feedback - > Suggest Feature |
userman.feature |
Feedback - > Send Comment |
userman.comment |
MsgTag |
Description |
viewhome |
Start a user session on the home screen. device - the end-user's device appname - the name of the new app to run @return true if successfully sent SEQUENCE userman_viewhome 50 userman <- msg "device", label= "viewhome"; END if successfully sent |
settings |
Tell userman to dislay user settings. device - the end-user's device @return true if successfully sent SEQUENCE userman_settings 50 userman <- msg "device", label= "settings"; END |
syssettings |
Tell userman to dislay system settings. device - the end-user's device @return true if successfully sent SEQUENCE userman_syssettings 50 userman <- msg "device", label= "syssettings"; END |
viewnews |
Refresh the news feed for the identified user. Call this after you have posted news for that user. user_id - the User id @return true if successfully sent |
feedback |
Draw feedback dialog box for the user. device - the end-user's device feedbackType - must be one of: bug, feature, comment region - display region area where feedback dialog box can be displayed @return true if successfully sent |
feedback.submit |
Send a feedback form response to Userman, which handles it. device - end user's device cbdata - the data associated with the action @return true if successfully sent |
feedback.cancel |
Send a feedback form response to Userman, which handles it. device - end user's device @return true if successfully sent |
setapp |
Switch the user from their currently running MAE application to the new application named. device - the end-user's device appname - the name of the new app to run @return true if successfully sent |
user.request |
Send an email to the identified user, asking them to confirm their e-mail address. name - The name of the user email - The e-mail address of the user terms - the terms version that the user accepted sessionId - the user's session id confirmationId - (future use) the confirmation id @return Resulting data from the call. Use RemoteService::getError(result) to get any error; if no error, then call worked. |
user.confirmuser |
The new user is confirming that they received the e-mail we sent to them. name - The name of the user email - The e-mail address of the user terms - the terms version that the user accepted sessionId - the user's session id confirmationId - (future use) the confirmation id @return Resulting data from the call. Use RemoteService::getError(result) to get any error; if no error, then call worked. |
user.resetpw |
User is requesting their password to be reset. email - (required) The e-mail address of the user ipaddr - (optional) The IP address where the user is requesting requestor - (optional) the name of the user requesting the reset @return Resulting data from the call. Use RemoteService::getError(result) to get any error; if no error, then call worked. |