Arana Daemons
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Arana Daemons
Core Service Daemons
- commhub - the communications/messaging hub
- dbbroker - the interface to the data store (db)
- msgbroker - the message routing daemon
- rpcbroker - the remote procedure call routing daemon
Basic Daemons
- usergw - device interface to user
- imager - daemon for generating plots/graphics
- guibroker - user interaction manager
- noticegw - gateway to sending notices to users
- paymentgw - gateway to payment systems for users to buy things
App Support Daemons
- melee - melee/combat orchestration/control
- magic - magic phenemenon manager
- items - item and possession manager
- navigator - physical/layout navigation manager
- docgen - generate documents for user download
User Apps
- userman - user self-management interface
- setting - core game data manager and manipulator
- mapedit - ruin/place map editor
- hexedit - outdoor terrain editor
- storyedit - adventure/story builder
- market - marketplace for buying/selling content
- supervisor - supervisory daemon that monitors/managers other daemons