This application allows a user to create an adventure/story, pulling together such resources as land maps, place maps, PC's, terrain, countries, monsters, magic, and more.
When finished, the user can produce a printable book of the adventure and/or post it in the marketplace for sale to other users.
The UI for storyedit displays these menu headings and options to the user.
MsgTag |
Description |
userstart |
Extract interface info from these files, too | |
Org.create |
Org.remove |
Org.add |
Org.copy |
Org.Location |
Org.Overview |
Org.Profile |
Org.NPCs |
Org.Notes |
Org.Location.Select |
Org.Location.Clear |
Org.Location.Fill |
Org.NPCs.Edit |
Org.NPCs.View |
Place.NPCs.View |
Org.NPCs.Create |
Encounter.create |
Encounter.remove |
Encounter.add |
Encounter.copy |
Encounter.Table |
Encounter.Notes |
Encounter.Entry |
Encounter.Entry.Edit |
Encounter.Entry.View |
Encounter.Table.View |
Encounter.Entry.AddEncounter |
Encounter.Table.Edit |
Item.create |
Item.remove |
Item.add |
Item.copy |
Item.Overview |
Item.Profile |
Item.Notes |
Land.create |
Land.edit |
Land.remove |
Land.add |
Land.copy |
Land.Overview |
Land.Layout |
Land.Notes |
Monster.create |
Monster.remove |
Monster.add |
Monster.copy |
Monster.Overview |
Monster.Profile |
Monster.Notes |
Monster.Mythos |
NPC.create |
NPC.remove |
NPC.add |
NPC.copy |
NPC.Overview |
NPC.Profile |
NPC.Stats |
NPC.Class |
NPC.Equipment |
NPC.Spells |
NPC.Friends |
NPC.Foes |
NPC.Notes |
Place.Create |
Org.Create |
Place.create |
Place.copy |
Place.edit |
Place.remove |
Place.add |
Place.Overview |
Place.Profile |
Place.Location |
Place.Layout |
Place.History |
Place.Today |
Place.LocalLaws |
Place.NPCs |
Place.Notes |
Place.Location.Select |
Quest.create |
Quest.remove |
Quest.add |
Quest.copy |
Quest.Overview |
Quest.Profile |
Quest.Entry |
Quest.Notes |
Quest.Entry.Edit |
Quest.Entry.View |
Quest.Table.View |
Quest.Table.Edit |
Secrets.create |
Secrets.remove |
Secrets.add |
Secrets.copy |
Secrets.Overview |
Secrets.Profile |
Secrets.Notes |
Story.create |
Story.remove |
Story.add |
Story.copy |
Story.Guide |
Story.Intro |
Story.History |
Story.Timeline |
Story.Path |
Story.Hooks |
Story.Elements |
Story.Legal |
Story.Notes |
Story.Publish |
Story.Path.Remove |
Story.Hooks.CreateEnc |
Terrain.create |
Terrain.remove |
Terrain.add |
Terrain.copy |
Terrain.Location |
Terrain.Overview |
Terrain.Profile |
Terrain.Notes |
Terrain.Index |
Terrain.Location.Select |
Terrain.Location.Clear |
Terrain.Location.Fill |
Vendor.create |
Vendor.remove |
Vendor.add |
Vendor.copy |
Vendor.Overview |
Vendor.Profile |
Vendor.Makes |
Vendor.Resells |
Vendor.Notes |
continue |
Process UI files last (methods may not be as current as above) |
Org.Location.Edit |
Org.Location.View |
Org.Profile.Edit |
Org.Overview.Edit |
Org.Profile.View |
NPC.Create |
Encounter.Entry.Add |
Item.Profile.Edit |
Item.Overview.Edit |
Item.Profile.View |
Monster.Profile.Edit |
Monster.Overview.Edit |
Monster.Profile.View |
NPC.Class.Edit |
NPC.Class.View |
NPC.Equipment.Edit |
NPC.Profile.Edit |
NPC.Overview.Edit |
NPC.Profile.View |
NPC.Stats.Edit |
NPC.Stats.View |
Place.Location.Edit |
Place.Location.View |
Place.Profile.Edit |
Place.Profile.View |
Quest.Profile.Edit |
Quest.Profile.View |
Quest.Overview.Edit |
Quest.Notes.Edit |
Quest.Entry.Add |
Secrets.Profile.Edit |
Secrets.Profile.View |
Secret.Entry.Add |
Story.Intro.Edit |
Story.History.Edit |
Story.Timeline.Edit |
Story.Hooks.Edit |
Story.Hooks.View |
Story.Legal.Edit |
Story.Legal.View |
Story.Path.Edit |
Story.Path.View |
Story.Download |
Terrain.Location.Edit |
Terrain.Location.View |
Terrain.Profile.Edit |
Terrain.Overview.Edit |
Terrain.Profile.View |
Vendor.Profile.Edit |
Vendor.Overview.Edit |
Vendor.Profile.View |
wikiref |
?valid |
MsgTag |
Description |
createmilieu |
rename |
set-ruleset |
pickmilieu |
Org.Remove |
Org.Create |
Org.NPCs.Create |
Org.Profile.Name |
Org.Profile.Ruler |
Org.Profile.RulerId |
Quest.Profile.Giver |
Quest.Entry.SecretsNPC |
Quest.Entry.EncSeqNPC |
Org.Profile.CapitolId |
Encounter.Entry.Location.Place |
Encounter.Entry.FiltLoc.Place |
Org.NPCs.Add |
Org.NPC.Title |
Org.NPCs.AddYN |
Encounter.Remove |
Encounter.Create |
Encounter.Table.Name |
Encounter.Table.Type |
Encounter.Table.Location.Bdg |
Encounter.Table.Location.L |
Encounter.Table.Location.Area |
Encounter.Table.Map |
Encounter.Entry.Type |
Encounter.Entry.InstanceType |
Encounter.Entry.BType |
Encounter.Entry.InstanceId |
Encounter.Entry.Bdg |
Encounter.Entry.L |
Encounter.Entry.Area |
Encounter.Entry.Accuracy |
Encounter.Entry.Giver |
Encounter.Entry.Milestone |
Encounter.Entry.BValue |
Encounter.Entry.BQuantity |
Encounter.Entry.Quantity |
Encounter.Entry.AddInstance |
Encounter.Entry.BootyQuantity |
Encounter.Entry.BootyValue |
Encounter.Entry.BootyType |
Encounter.Entry.AddBooty |
Encounter.Entry.Probability |
Encounter.Entry.Repeatable |
Encounter.Entry.ElapsedWeeks |
Encounter.Entry.ElapsedDays |
Encounter.Entry.AtToD |
Encounter.Entry.Location.Bdg |
Encounter.Entry.FiltLoc.Bdg |
Encounter.Entry.Location.L |
Encounter.Entry.FiltLoc.L |
Encounter.Entry.Location.Area |
Encounter.Entry.FiltLoc.Area |
Encounter.Entry.FiltNPCId |
Encounter.Entry.FiltNPCState |
Encounter.Entry.FiltHour |
Encounter.Entry.FiltDoW |
Encounter.Entry.FiltQuestId |
Encounter.Entry.FiltQuestM |
Encounter.Entry.EncSelector |
Encounter.Entry.Delay |
Item.Remove |
Item.Create |
Item.Profile.Name |
Item.Profile.Keyword |
Item.Profile.Cost |
Item.Profile.ShopType |
Item.Profile.Availability |
Item.Profile.Weight |
Item.Profile.XP |
create-land-name |
Monster.Remove |
Monster.Create |
Monster.Profile.Name |
Monster.Profile.Type |
Monster.Profile.Probability |
Monster.Profile.Quantity |
Monster.Profile.AC |
Monster.Profile.Movement |
Monster.Profile.HitDice |
Monster.Profile.Treasure |
Monster.Profile.NoAttacks |
Monster.Profile.AttDef |
Monster.Profile.Strength |
Monster.Profile.Intelligence |
Monster.Profile.IntelligenceLabel |
Monster.Profile.Wisdom |
Monster.Profile.Dexterity |
Monster.Profile.Constitution |
Monster.Profile.Charisma |
Monster.Profile.Alignment |
Monster.Profile.Size |
Monster.Profile.XP |
Monster.Profile.Book |
Monster.Profile.BookPage |
NPC.Remove |
NPC.Create |
NPC.Profile.Name |
NPC.Profile.Title |
NPC.Profile.Race |
NPC.Profile.Alignment |
NPC.Profile.Deity |
NPC.Profile.Age |
NPC.Profile.Gender |
NPC.Profile.Hometown |
NPC.Profile.Locale |
NPC.Profile.Loyalty |
NPC.Stats.AC |
NPC.Stats.HP |
NPC.Stats.Strength |
NPC.Stats.Dexterity |
NPC.Stats.Constitution |
NPC.Stats.Intelligence |
NPC.Stats.Wisdom |
NPC.Stats.Charisma |
NPC.Stats.Challenge |
Monster.Profile.Challenge |
NPC.Class.Class |
NPC.Class.Level |
NPC.Class.XP |
NPC.Class.Money |
Place.Remove |
Place.Create |
Place.Layout.Bdg |
Place.Layout.Level |
Place.Profile.Name |
Place.Profile.Size |
Place.Profile.Country |
Place.Profile.Status |
Place.Profile.EncTable |
Place.Profile.Areas |
Place.Profile.Map |
Quest.Remove |
Quest.Create |
Quest.Profile.Name |
Quest.Profile.Prereq |
Quest.Profile.PrereqMS |
Quest.Entry.Name |
Quest.Entry.Secrets |
Quest.Entry.EncSeq |
Quest.Entry.Complete |
Secrets.Remove |
Secrets.Create |
Secrets.Profile.Name |
Secrets.Entry.Probability |
Secrets.Profile.Accuracy |
Story.Remove |
Story.Create |
Story.Path.Pick |
Story.Path.AddQuest |
Story.Hooks.Secrets |
Story.Hooks.Encounter |
Story.Legal.Name |
Story.Legal.Author |
Story.Legal.Copyright |
Terrain.Remove |
Terrain.Create |
Terrain.Profile.Name |
Terrain.Profile.Risk |
Terrain.Profile.Climate |
Terrain.Profile.EncTable |
Vendor.Remove |
Vendor.Create |
Vendor.Profile.Name |
Vendor.Profile.Trade |
Vendor.Profile.AutoRestock |
?valid |
Menu |
MsgTag |
Description |
Story - > Create |
Story.create |
Story - > Download |
Story.Download |
Story - > Guide |
Story.Guide |
Create - > Org |
Country.create |
Create - > Encounters |
Encounter.create |
Create - > Item |
Item.create |
Create - > Land |
Land.create |
Create - > Beast |
Monster.create |
Create - > NPC |
NPC.create |
Create - > Site |
Place.create |
Create - > Quest |
Quest.create |
Create - > Secrets |
Secrets.create |
Create - > Story |
Story.create |
Create - > Milieu | |
Create - > Terrain |
Terrain.create |
Create - > Tradesman |
Vendor.create |
Download - > Org |
Country.Download |
Download - > Encounters |
Encounter.Download |
Download - > Item |
Item.Download |
Download - > Land |
Land.Download |
Download - > Beast |
Monster.Download |
Download - > NPC |
NPC.Download |
Download - > Site |
Place.Download |
Download - > Quest |
Quest.Download |
Download - > Secrets |
Secrets.Download |
Download - > Story |
Story.Download |
Download - > Milieu | |
Download - > Terrain |
Terrain.Download |
Download - > Tradesman |
Vendor.Download |
Feedback - > Report Bug |
storyedit.bug |
Feedback - > Send Comment |
storyedit.comment |
Feedback - > Suggest Feature |
storyedit.feature |
Milieu - > Open |
storyedit.load |
Milieu - > New | |
Milieu - > Rename |
storyedit.rename |
Milieu - > Save | |
Quit - > Quit |
storyedit.exit |
Key |
MsgTag |
Description |
ctrl-s | |
ctrl-o |
storyedit.load |
MsgTag |
Description |
storyedit.viewhome |
The user wants to see the starting/home view. device - handle to user's session and device |
start |
Tell StoryEdit to start interacting with the device provide. device - handle to user's session and device action - Start action, e.g. viewhome (future) data - any additional parameters to send to StoryEdit (future) |
n/a |
Send a simple UI request to StoryEdit. No parameters, just a comment/request device - handle to user's session and device request - the command for StoryEdit to run for a user request |
adddefbeastid |
Add a Monster to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. monster_id - Monster ID to add to milieu |
adddefencid |
Add an EncounterTable to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. encounterTable_id - Encounter Table ID to add to milieu |
adddeflandid |
Add a Land to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. land_id - Land ID to add to milieu |
adddeforgid |
Add a Country to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. country_id - Country ID to add to milieu |
adddefplaceid |
Add a Place to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. place_id - Place ID to add to milieu |
adddefterrid |
Add a Terrain to the current milieu. user_id - User ID of user requesting. terrain_id - TerrainID to add to milieu |